Welcome To Aditya's Digimon Page

DigiMon Codes & Secrets

Not All These Codes May Work!So I am Not Responsible For What Happens To Your Digimon!

The Digimon Growth Chart

Pixel Test

press reset and hold down "a".


the secret discovered!

Put in the tab and press "c" then the screen should fade and while it is fading keep on pressing "c" then 2 seconds after the screen faded yank it out.The secret is keep on pressing "c" while you yank out the tab

How To Grow Twin Digimons

grow a teddymon when it dies hold b until the end of step 4. press c 10 times use the tab that came with your digimon.put it in the slot and press "c" at a moderate speed while the screen fades then pull it out. it may take like 30 times to do it.

Flaming Teddymon

when your digimon returns to his megalathic mainframe at 99 press "a" 200 times, "b" 100 times,"c" 25 times.when it re-hatches press abc,abc,abc then "a" & "c" at the same time.

Quick Rookie

when you are a koromon feed him till he nods no then train him back to his original weight.(10 lbs)he will become a rookie at 1 yr. old.

Instant Mamemon

slide the tab in and out 50 times.then press "a".then press all the buttons at the same time. then you have a mamemon!

Instant Metal Greymon

when your digimon is a koromon select the bandage icon when he shakes his head no insert the tab and you should get a metal greymon.

How To Grow Twin Digimons

grow a teddy mon when it dies press b un til the end of step 3. 1.press c 10 times. 2.press reset. 3.congratulations should appear on the screen and it will show 2 eggs.

Secret Character

When your digimon dies press "a" 4 times "b" 2 times and "c" 17 times.you should get a two headed dragon.
Secret character named Akuma This code really works I got an Akuma with this!Insert the tab and press "a" 5 times "c" 2 times and "b" 10 times then yank out the tag. You should get Akuma he looks sort of like a human.

Instant Win Rumor

--in the beginning of the battle press "bbac" it may not work but try it!


--when your teddymon dies press "c" 10 times while holding "b" then reset it and you should have a computermon.

Skull Shooting Teddymon

--when you have a teddymon get his energy and hunger full and his victories up to 100% then reset it and press abbabbabbac and he should hatch a skull shooting teddymon!


When your digimon is a champion, hold A for 10 seconds, c for 5 seconds, and b for 1 second. Then your digimon will be a half champion and half ultimate and shoot skulls!

How to get the best digimon in every level!

when your digimon is a egg, then press "a" 210 times, then you should get the best champion, and everything!

How to get an instant MetalGreymon

When your digi is a koromon, select the bandage icon, while he is shaking his head, put in the tab. You have to do this many times!

Another way of getting a Mamemon

When your digi is a betamon, wait till he poops, when he does, flush his poop, while the flush is halfway finished put the tab in, the screen should freeze, then take it out then it should finish flushing, if you got lucky you got a Mamemon.

The Slow way of Getting a Teddymon

When your digi is a botamon, feed him 200 vitamins each day for five days. He will turn into an agumon or betamon, but on the 5th day you get a teddymon.

If you have a code e-mail it to me.